From our Value Statement: “Our children and youth have an important part in the life of our community. We value Catholic education. Therefore, we commit to good and faithful
co-operation with the Catholic schools of our parish. We strive to offer our young people a lifegiving experience of the living Church, forming them as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Held every Tuesday night from 5 – 7 PM., faith, fun and food are always included in these gatherings. The evening begins with a faith formation lesson where kids learn about the Catholic church, the Sacraments, the saints – you name it! We then move on to the fun where glitter and glue might be the theme for the night. Video games or movies – always a hit! If the weather is suitable, outdoor games are the flavour of the day. Finally, there is usually the smell of pizza or cookies in the air, all freshly prepared – and happily devoured – by the kids! Whatever it is we’re doing, fun is always a big part of it.
Held every second Saturday from 3 – 5 PM. As this age group has a much more demanding schedule with school and after school activities and jobs, we only meet every second week. At the gatherings, Alpha Youth faith formation sessions are enjoyed by the youth. There is also always time for fellowship – whether it be going out to eat or going to the park. Along with all the fun we have, Youth Group is also a good place to hone leadership skills and develop life-long friendships.
The leadership of our Mission with Youth ministry took a good look at what was available for young adults in this age range and found there wasn’t a lot. In response, we started holding gatherings – movie nights, faith study sessions and good old potluck events – and found that the young adults of our parish are eager for more. They want to discover and deepen their faith while having fun and making good friends along the way. Currently, we are going through another CCO Faith Study Series called “Source”, where we are studying and discussing the Holy Spirit – we meet on Sundays at 6 PM. There is always room for more! If you’re interested in being part of the Young Adults group, speak with Ian Ford or JC Asuncion.
We are always looking for members to become ministers and be involved with our young people. Come and be part of helping to launch our young people in the right direction. Even if you don’t think you have any skills, an empathetic ear is always most welcome!